Manna Church on Cliffdale Road - rocks! It's my church, and I love it!
This week, we have been having a slew of missionaries from around the world to come and share their stories.
Kevin Turner has been one of the missionaries visiting our church. He is a radical missionary - he's not afraid of much.
He goes into war torn countries to witness to people.
He has seen unimaginable things - images of death, yet he keeps going for Christ... he knows that salvation is their only hope.
Kevin has not been in the military to my knowledge, however - he has admitted to dealing with PTSD. I talked to him briefly, and he did say he is working on a book about his story and how he deals with PTSD. I cannot wait for this book to come out! Its about time that PTSD is addressed by a Christian who has experienced.
Christ really is the only hope we have... it's great Kevin will be addressing this soon.
Come join us tomorrow morning as we honor Kevin and other missionaries like him.
Read about Kevins amazing story, HERE.
I will keep you posted!